As of February 2024, the Worker Health Protection Program (WHPP) has added medical screening exams for former workers from Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory-New Mexico. Low-dose CT scanning for the early detection of lung cancer will also be offered to a subset of former DOE workers in New Mexico and Brookhaven. For more details, read the WHPP Former Worker Screening Program Fact Sheet.
The Worker Health Protection Program (WHPP) provides free medical screening for former workers at 16 Department of Energy (DOE) sites across the country.
DOE workers may have been exposed to radiation, asbestos, beryllium, lead, noise, solvents and other hazards. The goal of this free medical screening is to determine whether those exposures caused or contributed to any of your current health problems and to identify new health conditions that may be caused by previous exposures.
WHPP offers former DOE workers the opportunity to obtain an independent, objective assessment of their health in relation to their prior workplace exposures by a physician with expertise in occupational medicine.
A subset of WHPP participants at high risk for lung cancer may be eligible for annual low-dose CT scans. Eligibility is based on age, work, smoking and health history. Without screening, lung cancer is usually found in late stages with unlikely long-term survival. With low-dose chest CT screening, lung cancer can be found early, and cure is likely.
WHPP Provides Medical Exams and Early Lung Cancer Screening to Former Workers of:
Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Fernald Feed Materials Production Center |
Idaho National Laboratory |
K-25 Gaseous Diffusion Plant (both current and former workers are eligible) |
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Mound Site |
Nevada Test Site |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (both current and former workers are eligible) |
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (both current and former workers are eligible) |
Sandia National Laboratories - California |
Sandia National Laboratories - New Mexico |
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (No lung cancer screening) |
Y-12 National Security Complex |
To schedule an appointment contact 1-888-241-1199 or reach out to your local WHPP coordinator.
The program is funded by a contract from the DOE and is led by Queens College of the City University of New York in partnership with the United Steelworkers (USW), Atomic Trades and Labor Council (ATLC), and the former Fernald Atomic Trades and Labor Council (FATLC).